CEREC (Chair-side Economical Restoration of Esthetic Ceramics) enables porcelain ceramic inlay material to be produced easily, while you wait. No longer are impressions and laboratory work required for dental restorations, a process which would normally take several weeks, and multiple dental appointments. CEREC allows for restoration completion within just one visit.
CAD/CAM - 'the integration of Computer-aided design (CAD) and Computer-aided manufacturing (CAM)'.
By taking an infra-red digital scan of your damaged tooth, we can utilise the latest CAD/CAM technology to design beautiful, highly precise restorations. Using our state of the art wireless MCXL milling unit, we can then mill a perfect replica in house, ready for same day bonding. CEREC is a far superior alternative to most large fillings.
Our CEREC crowns are designed, milled, hand-painted, and glazed by Robert within the practice.
No conventional impressions
The CEREC three dimensional camera scans the prepared tooth in just a few seconds. This eliminates the need for unpleasant silicone impressions.
No temporaries and no lengthy wait times
CEREC restorations are milled from a ceramic block in just a few minutes. They are then ready to be placed on the same day after Robert's preparation. This eliminates the need for temporary fillings and crowns.